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Friday, 17 August 2012

Acheson House Big Dig in August and September

 Acheson House Courtyard COmmunity Garden needs your help

Acheson House Courtyard Community is garden is a Bakehouse Close, 140 Canongate (Edinburgh Royal Mile).  Click here to see a map

It is Door Open Day on 22nd 

September, which is only 5 weeks 

away - in the meantime we have 

loads of work to do.

We need to finish the garden for 

Edinburgh Door Opens Day - putting 

down gravel, finishing shed, 

weeding, putting net up over the 

brassicas and more planting. Also

 we want to finish the herb hill :-)

Can you come even for one 


The dates are 

Saturday 18th August 1 -4

Sunday 26th August 2 - 4

Monday 27th August 3 - 5

Sunday 2nd September 1- 3

We will confirm dates for September in a couple of weeks, obviously gardening is weather 

permitting - please feel free to text to double check that gardening is on if it is a rainy day. 

Please come along we need all the help from young and old.

Bring gloves and a wee trowel (if you have any).  If you are concerned about the weather text Catriona on 07717 204426

Catriona Grant

07717 204426

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